Are you looking to invest in private lending? Private money lending is an alternative to traditional lending institutions, like big banks. Individuals lend their own capital through the vehicle of a fund to other investors who acquire, re-stabilize, and hold or sell real estate assets. Private money lending is a critical component to the real estate investment industry. It is most commonly used when a borrower or asset does not meet traditional commercial real estate credit fundamentals, but the asset still meets practical underwriting guidelines. Additional benefits when investing in a private money lending fund include:
- Investments are 100% backed by deeds of trust secured by real estates with values far exceeding the amounts of the loans, making them safer than traditional equity funds
- In many cases similar yields to real estate ownership but with lower risk and without the hassle of collecting rents, managing the asset, and maintaining the asset
- Investing in a fund spreads risk across many deeds of trust and asset types
- No stock market speculation. Your hard-earned money is invested in real assets and produces a return that pays you every month.
- The process is easy and stress-free: you invest. We make the loans. We collect loan payments. You receive monthly payments.
- Take your distribution each month or re-invest to allow your investment and distributions to grow take your distribution each month
- High yield, low risk
- Use your self-directed IRA to invest
- Shorter terms of private loans ensure the principal investment will yield greater returns in a much shorter timeframe than traditional investments
- Ability to charge higher interest rates than traditional lending institutions
- Investments are 100% backed by deeds of trust secured by real estates with values far exceeding the amounts of the loans, making them safer than traditional equity funds
- In many cases similar yields to real estate ownership but with lower risk and without the hassle of collecting
rents, managing the asset, and maintaining the asset - Investing in a fund spreads risk across many deeds of trust and asset types
- No stock market speculation. Your hard-earned money is invested in real assets and produces a return that pays you every month.
- The process is easy and stress-free: you invest. We make the loans. We collect loan payments. You receive monthly payments.
- Take your distribution each month or re-invest to allow your investment and distributions to grow take your distribution each month
- High yield, low risk
- Use your self-directed IRA to invest
- Shorter terms of private loans ensure the principal investment will yield greater returns in a much shorter timeframe than traditional investments
- Ability to charge higher interest rates than traditional lending institutions
Investing in real estate is one of the smartest and safest strategies to promote wealth building. Private money lending is the lone aspect of real estate investing that provides the lowest risk, immediate monthly returns, and diversifications across many assets and asset types.
Eager borrowers with prime real estate investment opportunities are often met with the challenges from traditional lending institutions like big banks, insurance companies, and pension funds. Those challenges are often overly strict requirements and slow timelines making many investors lose out of valuable investments. Alternatively, private money financing offers these benefits to borrowers:
- Loan approvals and funding’s within a matter of days, not weeks
- Loans based on the strength of the asset, not always necessarily the borrower’s financial statement or credit history
- Less stringent lending requirements
- Less documentation required
- Flexible loan terms
- Various repayment options
- Borrowers realize the value of distressed assets. Traditional lending institutions typically refrain from lending until an asset fully stabilizes.
As a critical financing instrument, private money financing allows investors to leverage additional capital to fund more deals in a shorter period and without the headaches that come with traditional lending.